


从战利品哺乳动物到候鸟, 岩石弹簧 and 绿河 offer ample opportunity to view more than 800 species of Wyoming wildlife. 参观 Seedskadee国家野生动物保护区 或探索我们广阔的开放空间,如小山和 火烈峡乡村. Here’s everything you need to know to view the wildlife in Sweetwater County.


怀俄明州拥有大约400种鸟类, with nearly 200 hundred of them staying year-round in Wyoming and the other half migrating to and from their wintering grounds. 1918年的一项联邦条约保护了世界上大多数鸟类, but Wyoming does offer some upland game bird and migratory game bird hunting.

该州有大约50种本地鱼类和30种非本地鱼类, 包括科卡尼鲑鱼, 在它们每年的产卵过程中可以看到哪些. If you visit 绿河 during late August through November you can witness one of nature’s most-spectacular fish spawning in both the 绿河 and Flaming Gorge Reservoir.

Note: It is illegal to fish for or snag spawning kokanee and many sections of the 绿河 and Flaming Gorge Reservoir are closed to taking kokanee during this time. (请以现行为准 怀俄明州捕鱼条例).


怀俄明州大约有122种哺乳动物, 包括那些被归类为大型狩猎动物的动物:骡鹿, 白尾鹿, 麋鹿, shira驼鹿, 山羊和大角羊.k.a. 羊山). 怀俄明州的战利品动物包括黑熊和美洲狮. You can find black bears and mountain lions on 小的山 south of 岩石弹簧, 但请保持距离!

两栖动物 & 爬行动物

怀俄明州有40多种两栖动物和爬行动物, but only two poisonous snakes—the prairie rattlesnake and the midget-faded rattlesnake.


斯威特沃特县是许多野生动物的家园. 不管你要去县里的哪个地方, 观赏野生动物的最佳时间是早晨, 所以设置好你的闹钟, 这是值得的!

Disclaimer: This is a true “off the grid experience,” and cell service is limited! Make sure you have extra water and food; a high-clearance, four-wheel-drive vehicle with thick tires (and a spare tire) to traverse the dirt roads; extra fuel; GPS; and BLM map. 不要试图访问该地区时,条件是潮湿的. 让别人知道你要去哪里,什么时候回来.


小山位于怀俄明州石泉市以南约50英里处. 从石泉往西走I-80,走火焰峡谷东路, 99年退出, 向左转, 沿191号高速公路向南行驶. 你可以从多个地点进入小山, 但我们建议走下塞奇克里克路. The first part of the trip down to 小的山 is on a paved two-lane highway. 在你离开高速公路进入下塞奇克里克路之后. 这条路从那一点开始就是土路. 出于这个原因, 我们建议你开四轮驱动的车去小山, 高间隙车辆, 用厚轮胎.


叉角羚, 黑尾鹿, 麋鹿, 黑熊, 美洲狮, 土狼, 山猫, 狐狸, 鸣鸟, 鹰派人士, 鹰, 猫头鹰, 发电场, 夜鹰, 和哀鸽.

欲了解更多关于小山的信息,请点击 在这里.

样品的行程 去小山旅行.



绿带通道位于怀俄明州绿河的中心地带. 这条3.5英里长的小路有很多入口. 通过Jaycee Park进入小径, 来自石泉, 沿着80号州际公路往西走,从89号出口进入绿河. Turn right before the traffic light and go over the overpass onto Uinta Drive. 在第二个红绿灯处向左拐,进入城堡大道, 公园就在你左边过三个街区的地方. 你可以把车停在棒球场前面. 这是一条平坦的小路. 也允许带狗. T在这里 are also many benches and swings along the pathway to see and enjoy the views.


黑尾鹿, 黑额黑雁, 驼鹿, 海狸, 麝鼠, 鸭子, 鳟鱼, 大马哈鱼, 兔子, 鸣鸟, 猫头鹰, 鱼鹰, 秃鹰, 鹰派人士, 鹈鹕, 袜带蛇, 夜鹰, 和更多的!

点击查看绿河路径和公园大道的地图 在这里.

样品的行程 去探险岛旅行 & 绿带通道.



探险岛 is the most popular access point to 绿带通道. It’s also a great place to see a spectacular natural wildlife cycle that occurs every fall. Every year Kokanee 大马哈鱼 spawn in the river and are easily seen from Trona Bridge. Male and female kokanee turn bright red and meet to lay their eggs in gravely places called “redds”. Kokanee are land-locked salmon and spawn every 4 years in the river and also in Flaming Gorge. 探险岛在公园周边也有一条步行道, 有很多草, 还有一个操场. 这里也欢迎带着皮带的狗.


黑尾鹿, 黑额黑雁, 驼鹿, 海狸, 麝鼠, 鸭子, 鳟鱼, 大马哈鱼, 兔子, 鸣鸟, 猫头鹰, 鱼鹰, 秃鹰, 鹰派人士, 鹈鹕, 袜带蛇, 夜鹰, 和更多的!

了解更多关于 探险岛

样品的行程 去探险岛旅行 & 绿带通道.


FMC公园位于绿河, 是当地的一颗宝石, 是许多野生动物的家园, 美丽的风景, 还有一条轻松的自然小径. The 637-acre community park also has picnic tables and welcomes on leash dogs. FMC公园位于175 Scotts Bottom Rd. To get t在这里 来自石泉, 沿着80号州际公路往西走,从89号出口进入绿河. 在红绿灯前右转,然后穿过天桥. 在第二个红绿灯处向左拐,进入城堡大道 and follow the road a mile and take a left onto Scotts Bottom Road.


黑尾鹿, 黑额黑雁, 驼鹿, 海狸, 麝鼠, 鸭子, 鳟鱼, 大马哈鱼, 兔子, 鸣鸟, 猫头鹰, 鱼鹰, 秃鹰, 鹰派人士, 鹈鹕, 大蓝鹭, 袜带蛇, 夜鹰, 和更多的!

要了解更多关于FMC公园的信息,请点击 在这里.

样品的行程 去FMC公园旅行.


Seedskadee国家野生动物保护区 is a 27,230-acre refuge located Northwest of 绿河, WY. The refuge was established in 1965 as a mitigation for the loss of wildlife habitat when the Fontenelle Dam was built and means “River of the Prairie Hen”. In addition to wildlife viewing Seedskadee offers many recreational opportunities such as boating, 山地自行车, 和徒步旅行. Seedskadee is known for its pristine wetland and riverine habitats and is home to over 250 species of wildlife! To get to Seedskadee, from 绿河 head West on I-80 and take the LaBarge Exit 83. Turn right onto HWY 372 North and go about 28 miles to the refuge headquarters turnoff on your right. 通往避难所的大部分道路都是铺好的, 然而,避难所的道路是土路, 但并不需要4轮驱动. 当你在那里的时候,看看游客中心! 他们有令人难以置信的展示. (预约电话307-875-2187)


鸣鸟, 水禽, 鹰, 鹿, 羚羊, 麋鹿, 驼鹿, 河水獭, 鳟鱼, 土狼, 红狐狸, 兔子, 花栗鼠, 北部鹞式战斗机, 红尾鹰, 蜥蜴, 牛蛇, 海狸, 豪猪, 和更多的!

点击 在这里 了解更多关于Seedskadee国家野生动物保护区的信息.

样品的行程 前往Seedskadee国家野生动物保护区.


This three-hour, 160-mile loop is full of spectacular views and an abundance of wildlife.  你可以从岩石弹簧或绿河的I-80高速公路进入. The great thing about this loop is you don’t have to do the full loop; you can drive part of the loop on either side (East or West) and still see a wide variety of wildlife. T在这里 are also several pull outs along the drive such as Firehole Canyon w在这里 you can get out of the car for a picnic, 也可以观赏野生动物.


叉角羚, 黑尾鹿, 鱼鹰, 金雕和秃鹰, 发电场, 红尾鹰, 兔子, 海鸥, 燕子, 普通潜鸟, 圣人麻雀, 鸣鸟, 哀鸽, 水鸟, 栅栏蜥蜴, 鸭子, 鹅, 石鸡, Midget-Faded响尾蛇, 还有更多! 环线南边甚至还有大角羊!

点击 在这里 以了解更多关于火烈峡-绿河流域的小道

参观 怀俄明州游戏和鱼类网站 来了解更多关于斯威特沃特县的野生动物!

样品的行程 来一趟火焰峡谷风景小道之旅.


羊溪峡谷位于格林河以南约50英里处,沿530号高速公路行驶. 如果你时间不够,这是一个很好的去处. 沿着高速公路开车很容易, 科卡尼鲑鱼保护区就在路边. This site has informational signs throughout the area about the Kokanee 大马哈鱼. The best time to go is during the early fall when the Kokanee are spawning and turn bright red! 这是非常值得一看的景色!


科卡尼鲑鱼是这个地区最大的吸引力. 然而, 在你进入峡谷的路上,一定要留意叉角羚, 大角羊, 黑尾鹿, 兔子, 各种各样的鸟类和更多!

样品的行程 去羊溪峡谷旅行.


This new 水禽 and Wetland Enhancement Project is located on the Utah/Wyoming border w在这里 historic Henrys Fork flows into the Flaming Gorge Reservoir. It is intended to improve nesting and migration habitat for ducks and other waterfowl. 该项目包括约27英亩的池塘, 51 acres of shallow wetlands and 300 more acres of riparian habitat along the Fork only 3 miles from Manila. A short nature trail with interpretive signs helps visitors explore the area.

走格林河以南的怀俄明530号公路, WY和旅行大约43英里到卢塞恩谷码头岔道. 右转,在山顶停车. 这条小路很陡,下到湿地的一小段路布满岩石. 你可以在树木和香蒲丛中散步,也可以沿着栅栏走. In late summer and fall months the water level is low and you can easily walk out to the Henry’s Fork River outlet as it dumps into Flaming Gorge Reservoir.


One of the most visible wildlife species the wetlands are the 鸣鸟-Warblers, 食虫鸣禽, 燕子, 麻雀, 知更鸟, 和霸鹟. T在这里 are also Woodpeckers, Flickers, Magpies, 鸭子, 鹅 and Wild Turkeys.骡鹿也经常出现在池塘里, 海狸也一样, 浣熊, 兔子, 红狐狸, 土狼, 栅栏蜥蜴, 和青蛙.

要了解更多关于亨利福克湿地的信息,请点击 在这里

样品的行程 去亨利福克湿地旅行.


三个补丁野餐日使用区域 is a fee-free area located on Aspen Mountain, 就在石泉的南边. This is a great place for people of all ages and abilities to get outside and enjoy nature. 野餐桌和火堆可供公众使用, 所以带上一顿野餐午餐,花点时间好好享受三块补丁吧. From 岩石弹簧, head South on State Highway 430, turn west onto County Road 4-27 and follow for 6.5英里. Staying left (east) for 5英里, turn north onto BLM Road 4401 and continue for .到野餐区还有75英里.


骡鹿和叉角羚是这里的永久居民, 和鸣禽一起, 发电场, 金雕, 花栗鼠, 兔子, 和铁鹰.

样品的行程 前往三补丁野餐日使用区.

把野生动物带到你自己的后院 制作自己的喂鸟器!
